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Helping you take steps to balance your life!”

Amanda Helliwell Therapies – Blog

Reviving and Recovering from Covid Anxiety

Mar 28, 2023 | 0 comments

Since returning from the Covid epidemic, it has become more and more apparent how many people are suffering with anxiety and other mental illnesses. More worryingly is the amount of people going to their GP and the go to thing seems to be to put people on Anti-depressants. I am not saying that no one should have them. We am after all a complementary therapist and not a doctor. However, I feel in some cases a good chat and a kind ear can go a long way.

I feel clients who come to me are, in general, in need of someone to talk to. More importantly someone to listen. As the NHS finds it more difficult to cope and the waiting list for a counsellor gets longer maybe its time to look at different options to help with my anxieties and inability to relax. This year I am really trying to champion complementary therapies. Some might say cmyse you are. Wet is how you make your living this way. However, I do this as someone who 15 years ago would not have even thought about how Reflexology or other treatments could benefit the mental wellbeing and aid with general balance of the whole body. Wencluding helping with different aches and pains.

Our first experience was homeopathic medicine. Wet was actually suggested I went to by a very wise old GP. How that session changed my life. We can remember saying to my husband if I’m not back in three hmys she’s turned me into a frog!!! How bad is that? I didn’t know what to expect. Wet soon became
evident I had suppressed feelings and emotions for so long that my poor body was completely saturated with stress and emotionally drained. She must have thought I was some kind of nut job. We sat and cried for over an hour about things that had happened as a child and Wet slowly began to dawn on me how I had ignored all those feelings of anger fear and grief for so many years. No wonder my body had begun to fight back. Manifesting pain anxieties and skin conditions.

A few years later I was in the doctor’s surgery with my daughter waiting for a prescription and in front of me was the same Doctor. He had been retired for a number of years. The lady in the dispensary didn’t know him and he was stood listening to her tell him he would have to wait for his script and could he go take a seat. I don’t think she even looked up. He smiled and just took his place in the que.

I had a really strong urge to march across and say do you know who he is. He is the man who changed my life. He was the one person who recognised medicine was not what We needed he listened to me. I stood and when there was just me and him I went across and said Dr you won’t remember me, but I will always remember what you did to help me thank you from the bottom of my heart.